IIRISS offers varied services to the end user
School Tie-up System - An innovative work model developed by IIRISS for creating beneficial environment in introducing technical education at school level.It is our indirect
service to the end-user and is solely an IIRISS venture - a mutual collaboration to grow
together. We at IIRISS believe that it is very important to introduce technical education
during the schooling process of a child , although not just as an academic pursuit but as one
that shall enhance the knowledge of that child. School being the basic & most prominent
Institution of knowledge & Learning which shapes the future CAREER of a child, it is
important to induce "Technical Education" in a comprehensive manner. Thereby, we would
like to take this principle as our work model with School institutes & organizations who share
the same thought & vision. In this pursuit to provide innovative services and training
structures we will be able to gain great development. Through a "Tie-up" we shall have a
mutual collaboration with respective organization for a period of time, wherein a common
work model for technical growth will be designed. This will be shared between both the
organizations & would be collectively followed. Kindly Contact Us for further details.
College Tie-up System - An innovative work model developed by IIRISS for creating a beneficial environment for mutual technical learning. - It is our indirect service to the end-user. - It is solely an IIRISS venture.
... a mutual collaboration to grow together. We at IIRISS believe that to grow in this competitive world & to work with a broader perspective, we need a collaboration of ideas & management in a way that it is beneficial to all. It is in our stride to provide better educational solutions & services in the field of Robotics & Embedded systems. Thereby, we would like to take this principle as our work model with colleges, technical institutes & organizations who share the same thought & vision. In this pursuit to provide innovative services and training structures we will be able to indulge in greater development. Through a "Tie-up" we shall have a mutual cooperation with respective organization for a period of time, wherein a common work model for technical growth will be designed. This will be shared between both the organizations & collectively followed.